Thursday, May 28, 2009


I think it is so awesome to see God bless obedience in our lives. I have witnessed this lately and it just amazes me. I felt led to stop babysitting and clear my schedule so I did that with much hesitation. But I listened. Then an opportunity came up at the local pregnancy center. I felt led to start group parenting classes so I obeyed and contacted the executive director about that. Two wonderful women have entered into the picture and are helping me plan for the classes. God orchestrated all of that in an amazing way. Then I went to our MOPS meeting this month and felt led to accept the position as coordinator for the group. I listened with much hesitation, but obeyed. God has given me confidence and a peace about serving in this capacity. It is a large role to take on, but I am going to trust that God will help me learn this job and do it to the best of my ability. I have a peace that surpasses all understanding in my life and I believe that it is due to obedience. That doesn't mean that these jobs are going to be easy, as they are both challenging. But I have an extra strength that did not just come from me. My faith is what leads me to obedience, which leads me to understanding that my identity is only in Christ.

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