Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day! On Saturday we took the kids to pick out a tree to plant in our yard. Then we came home and I supervised while he planted it. He did a good job=)

Today we went to church, had lunch, and took the kids to Malabar Farm for the afternoon. Then we went to dinner in Strongsville. Here are some pictures of our fun afternoon.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm so glad you are okay and that the test results revealed nothing major! I have missed reading your blog, and being at Missy's without the internet, it's tough to keep up. I'll try - sitting at Aroma's drinking a strawberry smoothie on a quiet Saturday afternoon helps! I hope we can hang out soon - Hannah was excited to talk to you the other day and said she got to talk to "my [her] Julie." So cute!