Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back to Normal

Well, as normal as we can be. What is "normal" anyway? I guess for us it means not having any surgeries or anything medical going on.

Dan is healing extremely well and I am on the upswing from my surgery. I did develop a hematoma where I had the hernia repaired, but I am told that isn't a big deal. I was able to stop the Lovenox injections today so I was happy about that. Although, I will be the first to tell you that if you say you can't do something, you just might still be able to do it. I had a meltdown when I was told that I had to give myself shots three years ago. So Dan gave me shots for nine months (during Sara's pregnancy). I couldn't even watch. And with this surgery I was miraculously able to give myself the shots. It was actually better doing that because I could decide if the spot hurt and if I needed to try injecting the needle in another location. I liked having the ability to do that. So the moral of that story is, "never say never." Anyway, the shots are done and I see the surgeon on Thursday for a follow-up. I am expecting everything to check out okay. Aside from that, we really are back to normal.

The girls got a new sandbox today from their great-aunt. We had to test it out in between rain storms. Boy were they a mess when we were done. But if they had fun, then that is all that matters. Right?

1 comment:

Kim said...

Yeah, if it wouldn't offend your Aunt you should get a sand table. Just as much fun without the sand in the panties! Ha, Ha. Plus I put mine in the laundry room in the winter with beans and stuff. Very fun!