Monday, March 2, 2009

Surgery Still to Come

I thought I would update everyone on Dan’s condition. He is doing much better. He was very sick when we took him to the ER on Friday, but we are grateful for modern medicine and doctors. Tomorrow (Tuesday) he will have another CAT scan to see how the infection is doing. As of now, the surgeon is talking about sending him home this week on antibiotics and doing surgery to remove his appendix in a month. He should be able to return to work next week. Dan has handled everything really well, although he is pretty bummed about not being able to run and lift weights. The kids and I are hanging in there too. It was a tough weekend emotionally for me as I had to adjust to not having him home and know that I couldn’t take care of him 24/7 like I wanted to. I wanted to be at the hospital all the time, but the kids needed me too. Mya is sick with a high fever and cold today so I feel like I am being pulled in many directions. But we are so grateful for God’s grace and for all support from friends and family. We appreciate your prayers!


Jenny said...

We will keep praying. And guess what? Hannah says you guys are coming to Disney with us in May - did you know that? ;) Thanks for keeping us updated on how Dan (and you) are doing.

Kim said...

I am praying for each of you Julie. What a week! You are a wonderful wife and mother. Dan and Mya and Sarah are all lucky to have you caring for them. I know how stressful these times can be, but hang in there...this to shall pass!