Saturday, March 7, 2009


My poor, poor husband. He has been through so much in the last week. Yesterday (Friday) we got a call from the doctor regarding Dan's CAT scan that he had that day. The abcess in his appendix needed drained so we were asked to come to the hospital for the procedure. Neither of us knew what this entailed, but we went to the hospital hoping it would be easy. The procedure took about an hour. They had to insert a catheter, while he was in the CAT scan machine, in order to drain the infection. He needed additional pain medication because of the discomfort. He said it was extremely painful. When the procedure was over, he was instantly nauseous and it was severe. They laid him back down and took him to a recovery room. It was very hard to see him in this state. We waited about an hour with the nurse and tried to get him up again. Once again, he was hit with a wave of nausea. As long as he didn't move he was fine. They decided to take him to a room upstairs to keep him under observation until the sickness passed. We were in the room for four hours and then just like that he was fine. I was able to bring him home around 10:00 last night. To top it all off, I had tooth surgery in the morning and left my pain medication at home. I hadn't planned on staying at the hospital that long. Luckily I knew someone at the hospital who gave me some motrin. And to add more fuel to the fire, baby Sara decided to cry from 1:00 AM-4:00 AM with no break. So I was up with her most of the night. I have gotten little sleep since this whole thing started with Dan's appendix rupturing so I pray for some sleep tonight. We both decided that we need a nice vacation after all of this is over. We have our marraige retreat coming up and I pray, pray, pray that we can go to that. He is supposed to have his appendix taken out sometime around that date. On a positive note, the girls' colds are getting better and we have been fever free for the last 24 hours. I am so grateful that I can open the windows today and let in some fresh air. In the midst of all the trials, I see that God is so good to us.


Kim said...

Oh Juls! I am praying for each of you right now! Peace and rest are on the way I am sure!

Donna said...

Gee, certainly hope you get some rest and Dan feels better soon!!! Hopefully the time change will help baby Sara sleep better tonight...good luck!!