Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bad Blogger

Oh....I have become such a bad blogger. I have good intentions and by the end of the day I am ready to crash instead of blog. But I do miss it. So here I go again trying to keep up with it.

So what is new with us? Well...Dan is busy with work and trying to beat his latest video game. I love when he tries to beat games because he plays at night and I sit beside him reading these Amish novels that I am really into. It is fun hanging out together. And then when I have a silly show on like "Desperate Housewives" or something like that, he watches it with me. And because we have PVR or DVR (can't remember which one it is), we get the best of both worlds. He can play games while I read, and then we can watch the taped show later in the evening. Love it! I am busy with typing a book that my mom is going to publish and sell, organizing MOPS stuff, and chasing after the kids. I also will be doing some workshops in the spring for parents. I will be teaming up with my friend Kate to present on teaching literacy skills with a focus on special needs. The biggest thing that Dan and I are praying about right now is whether or not to have another child. We have had some letdowns with our medical insurance, which has caused us to question whether or not we should get pregnant again. Of course there is always the consideration of my blood clotting disorder. I don't want to risk my health for another child, yet I would like to have one more. We go back and forth on it. Please help us pray in this area. We aren't getting pregnant and haven't since the miscarriage in September. I think it is interesting that we aren't getting pregnant when I was so fertile with the first two kids. It is like God is giving us time to really submit to Him in this area.

On a lighter note, in addition to growing my hair out, I recently died it a darker color. Well, I mean my sister-in-law did it for me. I am still getting used to it, but Mya took my picture this morning so we could put it on the computer. She was pretty excited to take Mommy's picture.


Jenny said...

Sounds like life is being good to you. God will honor your faithfulness to wait on His answer and timing. And I'm sure Mya felt like such a big girl taking your picture, too! :)

Jaimi said...
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Jaimi said...

I can't figure out how to edit my comments that I messed up a sentence... anyway, I LOVE your dark hair color and reading your posts.