Ever since Mya turned three she somehow discovered that it is crucial to ask the question, "why?" for everything....and I mean everything! Now the thing about Mya is that the answer that I give her is never good enough. The conversation usually goes like this, "Mommy, why is it snowing?" I say, "Because God made it snow." She says, "Why did God make it snow?" I say, "Because it is cold outside." She says, "Why is it cold outside?" Now this could go on forever, but instead, I end up saying, "I don't know," just to get her to quit asking the question "why?" She seems to be more satisfied with this answer.....or maybe I am more satisfied giving this answer because she has nothing more to say. As a mother, I have extreme guilt for offering up the answer "I don't know" because I am not educating her on anything. I am just trying to get her to be quiet. Well, this has been going on for months and it always happens when we are in the car. Sometimes I get tired of it because she won't accept my answers.
Tonight we were driving to the mall and Mya started with her questions. She asked why there was dirt in the car. I told her that the dirt was from her shoes. She asked why the dirt was from her shoes. I told her that the dirt came from outside. She asked why it came from outside. I told her that the dirt helps flowers grow. She asked why the dirt helps flowers to grow. I said, "I don't know." Then.....my intelligent husband chimed in from the driver's seat and said, "Mya, the dirt provides cellular nutrients that plants need to grow and without it is impossible for the plant to sustain life."....................silence. Mya was totally satisfied with this response and didn't ask anything else. She just sat in silence and was content. Why didn't I think of that answer? Geez!
Cutlip's California Road Trip
5 years ago
That is exactly how it goes at my house too! Except now Anna is old enough that she will follow Larry's way to advanced explanation with an exasperrated, "I don't understand any of the words you just used!"
P.S. Love your hair in your Christmas picture.
Haha!! Love Dan's answer- sounds like the science-nerdy kind of answer I would give. :)
I think that's brilliant. Throw enough big words at a kid, and you temporarily stun them. It's like their kryptonite or something! How funny!
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