Sunday, April 26, 2009

Learned Behavior and a Minor Set Back

Sometimes I grunt and groan at the things that our children learn from us. It is amazing what they mimick and how easy they pick up on things. This morning I certainly did not grunt and groan at Mya's learned behavior. Instead I smiled at the sweetness. I'll get to this story in the next paragraph.

We had a minor set back with Dan's recovery when he started getting the chills last night around 9:00. I left to go to the grocery store for our big two week shopping trip that I do. I was exhausted from the day but felt like I needed to get the grocery shopping done so I could rest on Sunday. So I went, wanting to hold my eyelids open with toothpicks, although I didn't. Meanwhile at home Dan was getting sick. Little did we know that he was coming down with strep throat. He woke up Sunday morning with a fever and white dots on his throat. Thankfully he was able to call his surgeon and get an antibiotic right way. So I picked up the prescription this morning, got everyone fed, and took the girls to church at 10:30.

Now this is where the amazing learned behavior comes into play. Before we left for church, I told Mya to go into our bedroom and say goodbye to her daddy. This is what I heard from the other room......."Daddy, give me a kiss. I love you. Goodbye. Oh wait, let me cover you up." Then she proceeds to grab one of Saras blankets that is about 4 inches by 4 inches. She takes it into our bedroom and covers Dan's chest with the blanket. She says, "Let me tuck you in. Okay, now you are covered up. Goodbye Daddy. I am going to church. I love you. Give me a kiss. I love you." That is exactly how it went, although the clarity of what she was saying wasn't as interpretable as how I wrote it. But Dan and I knew exactly what she was saying and doing. I love that she picks up on the fact that Dan and I ALWAYS say, "I love you" before we EVER leave the house. Dan taught me this one and since the day we were married he has NEVER missed a day or opportunity to tell me that he loves me. I am SO glad that Mya has picked up on this.

Now, back to the rest of our day. I had high hopes of actually sitting in the service at church and enjoying the peace and quiet, but God had other plans. As many of you know, I am the director of the nursery at our church and we had 17 babies in our nursery today. Needless to say they needed my help. But it was fun rocking babies and spending some extra time with Sara in the nursery. When we got home from church, Dan was still in bed and has been in bed all day. He is weak and hasn't eaten much at all today. We all know that is extremely unusual for my husband not to eat so he is definately sick. We are praying that he feels better tomorrow. We are also praying that I don't get sick so I am out of commission around here. Someone has to stay healthy! I can't wait for things to get back to normal around here.
Sara wants to share with all of you some of her new facial expressions. She is really good at blowing raspberries.


Jenny said...

Wow - sounds eventful! The last week of preschool... it's already here??? I need to know: will you cry when I pick up Hannah? It's okay if you do. I just want to be prepared because I'll probably cry, too!

Rick and Lindsay said...

I hope that Dan is feeling better and that the rest of you are still healthy. My prayers are with you!