Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And then there were three......

This is my first week babysitting for beautiful Hannah. Now I have three children during the day and I am loving it. Hannah and Mya play really well together so I am a little more free to focus on baby Sara. When Hannah is not around, Mya is a little needy and would welcome the opportunity to be held ALL day in the rocking chair if I allowed it. However, Hannah is a great palymate for Mya and somehow Mya forgets quickly that she needs me so much. When Hannah came yesterday it was so encouraging to see the girls interact again. They started pretend playing immediately and played all morning. The giggling is the best! Now, is it as perfect as I make it sound during the day? Of course not. We have milk spills, crying, toy tug of war, stinky diapers, short naps (just Mya), and little falls here and there that require a Barbie band-aid. But am I having fun each day.....you bet ya! The best part of today was when Hannah went potty. It took all morning with her sitting on the potty every 20 minutes or so. She went in her underwear a couple times and didn't like that feeling. And finally after lunch she was sitting on the little potty coloring and laughing with Mya when all of the sudden she said, "Julie, I did it!" Then she proceeded to talk about how the pee was yellow. She was so impressed. She also called her mommy to tell her that it was yellow too. Pretty cute!


Jenny said...

Good job, Julie and Hannah! I'm sure Miss loved that phone call. :) It's nice to read about her activities during the day since I haven't persuaded Miss to blog yet. It's so great that you're willing and able to be so consistent with this. We are lucky to have you!

Carlene said...

Ditto, Jen's comments. You are such a blessing to all of us.