Saturday, February 14, 2009

No Longer A Baby

My little baby is growing up way too fast. Tonight, she pulled herself up on the side of the bathtub all by herself. I didn't know she could do this. When we hold her hands she loves to walk across the room. It boggles my mind that an 8 month old can do these things already. I don't remember Mya wanting to walk so early. I can't wait to see when Sara actually walks. She sure has mastered crawling.
Tonight I took the girls to the grocery store while Dan went to a movie with his friend. Everything was going really smooth when I noticed that my shoe was slipping on the floor. I looked down and saw some green liquid on the floor. I didn't think much of it while I continued to walk down the aisle of the store. But then I noticed that my foot continued to slip on more liquid. I looked down to the floor and saw the stream of green liquid fall from the bottom of my grocery cart as I pushed the cart. Something in my cart was leaking and it was making a mess on the floor. I looked behind me and there was a trail of this liquid all the way down the aisle. I noticed that Mya was saying something about her leg. She was sitting in the front of the cart in the toy car. I looked in the car and saw that she had a green bottle of Mr. Bubble. Aparently she lifted the bottle from the shelf at some point in the shopping trip, opened the bottle, and was dumping it on the floor as we went up and down the aisles. OH MY GOSH! She had soap all over her legs, hands, and shoes. I grabbed the bottle from her, went to find a store clerk, and apologized profusely about the mess. Luckily the clerk was compassionate and made light of the situation. Ugh!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Well, isn't SHE turning out to be the little shopper! :)