Sunday, January 25, 2009


This weekend we have truly experienced what the Lord means by having a "day of rest." We actually have had two days of complete rest and relaxation. We didn't have any plans for Saturday and Sunday so we stayed home both days, which meant that the girls and their Daddy got great naps. I got an 8 mile run in, which felt great. On Saturday we took the girls to Mansfield just for something to do as a family. We were pretty excited because Dan got a new razor and I got a spice rack for my kitchen. I have wanted one of those for a very long time. It even came filled with all the spices. Yipee! Mya was even excited because she got a princess book at Target and a mommy and daddy doll at Toys R Us for her dollhouse. On the way home from Mansfield we picked up a pizza and spent the evening hanging out with the girls. The coolest part was watching Dan draw on a piece of paper with Mya. She is at the stage where she wants adults to draw things for her and then she tries to draw by scribbling. On her very own she asked Dan to write some of the bible verses that she has memorized from preschool. "Daddy, write Obey God." "Daddy, write Tell the Truth." It melted my heart.

On Sunday we went to church, came home and had lunch and then everyone napped. Now I am sitting in my bathrobe (which I have been in all day) and we are playing with the girls in their bedroom. Could life be any better? Dan and I feel rested, the girls are happy, and it has been a fun weekend. We are so grateful for our life. However, as I am writing this Dan is teaching Mya to make her dinosaurs fight. Oh boy! I didn't say that our life was perfect (hee hee).

On another note, I would love to have prayer for a 30 day challenge that I am going to try. Nancy Leigh DeMoss from Revive Our Hearts has a challenge for wives. For 30 days she will challenge me to not say anything negative to my spouse or about my spouse to anyone else. Each day has a little devotion/challenge and a scripture. I am really going to commit the time to do this so any prayers would be greatly appreciated. We all know that my husband is awesome, but has some faults like any other husband. I'll check back in on February 25th and we'll see how well I did.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Good luck with the challenge! It sounds like a restful weekend.