Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Things

Sara has done a couple new things this week that I need to brag about. She cut her first tooth (FINALLY!) on the bottom. She is not quite as fussy this week, which I am thankful for. Last week she just couldn't get comfortable during the day. However, I am very grateful that she continues to sleep through the night with no problems. She also started eating cereal and fruit this week as well as taken some sips from her sippy cup. She continues to sit up very well and I am guessing that she will start experimenting with crawling some day soon.

I had my interview with the pregnancy center and it went very well. Basically I will be developing the parenting classes on my own. This will take some time because we need to research some curriculums that will be appropriate to the population that they work with. We are thinking that I will probably teach a class once a week in the evening. The director is going to contact other pregnancy centers in larger counties and see what curriculum they are using. Then I will try it out and see what kind of response I get. I am very excited to teach adults. I hope and pray that God will use me to His glory in this setting.

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