Thursday, January 22, 2009


This week I am studying about meekness from a Kay Arthur study. She tells a story of a young couple who were newly married. The husband was tragically killed in a car accident. In response to this tragedy, the parents of this man didn't waver from the certainty that God operated according to His plans for their son. At one point the parents told Kay, "I'm all right, Kay. Everything I have learned from studying the Word of God has held me and prepared me for this moment. His word is true. God is good, and He is sovereign." And so I ask myself this question.....Do I exhibit meekness no matter the circumstance? Do I show true submission to God? I know that I fall short of this when times get tough. I feel so challenged to practice submission and let God's will be done in my life. In Galatians 5:22-23 we see that God blesses us with "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control" when we live in His will. I want all of those things in my life. I know that I have so much work to do to and I pray for a level of commitment that demonstrates a drive to know God better and better personally.

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