Saturday, August 22, 2009


Things in our life are a little crazy right now and I haven't taken the time to take pictures of the girls or write on my blog. And boy are the girls growing up! We have a lot going on in our lives with the commitments that I have (MOPS coordinator, developing curriculum for parenting classes, nursery director at church). It has been a very busy summer. And Dan's grandpa is ill so we have been visiting him a lot lately. We are so sad to see him not doing well. He is under the care of Hospice right now and was taken to the Hospice facility on Thursday. Please keep Grandpa Jack in your prayers. And then there is the fact that we are having baby number three and live in a small house. So we have been house hunting a little. We can survive here with three kids, but it will be tight. We are just praying for God's guidance on our house. We absolutely love the house that we live in so we are grateful for that.

I go to see the baby doctor on Monday to find out the due date. I am very excited to see when that will be. It has been hard not to focus on feeling anxiety about the baby's health. I always worry until I see the baby on the ultrasound. I can't wait to see the little heartbeat.

Here are some cute pictures of the girls.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Pics of the girls are really cute... and Hospice is such a wonderful place...they took such tender care of my dad. Hope grandpa Jack does well!