Monday, November 17, 2008

Home Schooling Update

We have now been having preschool at our house for two months and the kids are loving it. I teach two two year olds, an almost three year old, and a four year old. It is so interesting to see the difference in ages and what they are able to do developmentally according to their age. It has been eye opening for me to see how on fire they are to learn their monthly bible verse and hear the daily bible story. They get so excited when I bring out the kids bible. What has impressed me the most is hearing Mya sing a whole song from preschool that I never knew she picked up on. Just the other day in the car she was singing the "clean up" song and I was blown away by her vocabulary. I have learned that she may act like she isn't paying attention to me, but she really is comprehending things. We have established a predictable routine that the kids know by heart. It is funny to watch them during play time because every once in a while they will play teacher and go through my routine. I am just so happy that God has given me the desire and drive to home school these precious children. They have made my life richer.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You are having a GREAT impact on Hannah. She is learning so much, she's pleasant, she's respectful (though I do take some credit for that due to the "Hannah, say no THANK YOU" indoctrination I put her through a year ago :)), and most of all, you are nurturing their little hearts to love Jesus. I NEVER worry about her with you the way I used to at the last sitter's. It's incredibly reassuring to me to know she spends her days in a home that loves Jesus, where she sees a godly marriage modeled for her, and where she's held accountable for her actions. You are an amazing teacher and friend. :)