We have a bet going on with Dan's family on when Mya will walk. She has to take 10 steps on her own for someone to win the bet. I wonder who will win? She is at the point now where she stands all by herself for at least 30 seconds before she realizes that she's standing alone and then she plops down on her bottom. She has come so close to taking a step on her own. I don't think it will be too long before she walks. Dan guessed the earliest date of September 15 so he just might be the winner. I made him promise to take me to dinner if he wins the money=) That's fair, isn't it? Mya has become quite a chatty Cathy. She talks up a storm while she is playing with her toys. It's adorable! We can't believe that her first birthday is next month. Time flies when you're having fun!
On a different topic, we had a convicting Sunday school class this morning. We are studying Romans 14 right now, which focuses on the weak and strong in faith as well as the fact that we will be facing judgement when we are on earth and in heaven. Romans 14:8 says "If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." It's so important to focus on how we are conducting our lives on earth. Our teacher talked about how faith is like a muscle and it needs to be worked in order to grow and develop. It is so important to be in the Word and memorize and study scripture to develop faith. I was challenged to increase my "quiet times" with the Lord.
Cutlip's California Road Trip
5 years ago
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