Saturday, September 1, 2007

The "Boys"

I wanted to add a picture of my sister's children because they are so darn cute. Luke and Reid are such a delight to be with!
Dan and I had a wonderful evening in Strongsville with Dad and Kim. We went to the Japanese Steakhouse for my birthday dinner and the food was incredible! We had seafood and filet mignon and rice, soup and salad. It was a feast! Then we went shopping, my favorite hobby (and Kim's too!), and got some new clothes for the Fall weather. Finally, we went to Stricklands, our favorite ice cream place ever. They have frozen custard with different flavors every day. It is SOOOOO good! Tomorrow we look forward to resting after church. We've been needing a little down time due to lack of sleep in our household. We decided to take Mya's binky away so that took some time to adjust to. It's not easy being binky free, but she's doing much better now.

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