Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Must Tell

Saturday I was watching a Lifetime movie while the kids were taking a nap. Before kids this was a regular thing that I did on the weekend. As strange as the Lifetime movies are sometimes...there is just something about them that I like. It is like reading a good novel to me. Anyway, Mya woke up and came out to the couch to lay with me. It happened to be during a love scene. Oops! The man and women were lying on the floor kissing and the man took the shirt off of the woman. That was the extent of the scene, but my three year old doesn't miss a beat with the television. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, what are they doing?" I said, "They are kissing because they love each other. Mommy and Daddy kiss too because we love each other." I like to find opportunities to talk about my love for Dan whenever I can and this was a great moment...or so I thought. Then Mya says, "You and Daddy lay on the floor and kiss like that?" And I said, "Sometimes." Thinking that would be the end of the conversation. Then Mya says, "Does Mommy take her shirt off too?" Oh boy!!! Needless to say I was too shocked to know how to respond to that. Luckily she let it go. Mya is going to be one of those kindergartners who tells her teacher something like that during sharing time.


Jenny said...

So, DO you take your shirt off like that? ;) Just kidding! Gotta love a child's questions!

Rick and Lindsay said...

If you want to send her over to Mrs. Davis's biology class, I'll pick it up from there. haha :)

Me - The Dad said...


This is too funny. Evan has asked similar questions to me except I just sit there with the whole "deer in the headlights" look. He is already at that stage to where mommy and daddy should not kiss in front of him.