I am still a stay at home mom and loving every minute of it. Of course I stay busy during the week, but I love being available for Mya every day. I also babysit another little girl five days a week so that keeps me busy too. Mya and Hannah have become very good friends and enjoy playing together. We are 37 weeks now and waiting for baby Sara to arrive sometime soon. We are due on June 10, but I am hoping she might come sooner. The pregnancy has gone very well and taking the daily shots of Lovonox hasn't been too bad. It is painful, but Dan has figured out where to inject so it doesn't hurt so much. He has been such a trooper through this pregnancy. We can't wait to see what Sara looks like.
Mya is 19 months and growing taller as well as getting smarter every day. Her verbal skills are amazing. She loves to talk on the phone and read books to herself. She is quite the talker and is into everything. She is an active little girl who loves to move around and play a lot. She has been taking toddler gymnastics, which has been great for her activity level.
We would love to have prayers for baby Sara's delivery in hopes that everything goes smoothly and it is a little less painful then Mya's delivery.